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How to Create Your Own Wine Label

How to Create Your Own Wine Label

We’ve all been browsing bottles at a grocery store or wine shop and had a striking label stop us in our tracks. This doesn’t happen by accident. 

For home wine brewers and small wineries, an eye-catching wine label can be the difference between obscurity and recognition. In the competitive world of wine, where customers have countless choices, your label is your voice. It tells your story, conveys your brand's personality, and, most importantly, entices customers to choose your wine over countless others.

Why You Need a Standout Wine Label 

Imagine walking down the wine aisle of your local grocery store or browsing the shelves at your favorite wine shop. You're greeted by an array of options, each bottle vying for your attention. In this situation, a memorable label is not just a nice-to-have; it's essential. It's the difference between blending in and standing out, between being picked up and being passed over. 

A standout wine label acts like a beacon for your brand, drawing customers in, piquing their curiosity, and ultimately convincing them to take a chance on your wine without having tasted it.

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What Makes Wine Labels Stand Out?

The most memorable wine labels are those that dare to be different. They're the ones that make a statement with their design, color scheme, and overall presentation. While some big brands opt for muted colors and minimalistic designs, there's a whole world of design possibilities out there. With engaging designs and purposeful copy, your wine label can become a conversation starter, a piece of art, and a reflection of your brand's personality.

Your Bottle and Your Wine Label

Wine bottles are not created equal, and the same applies to your labels. The shape of your bottle significantly influences the type of label that will best complement it. If you change the shape of your bottle, you need a new label to match. 

For example, wraparound labels are perfect for high-shoulder bottles, creating a seamless and elegant look. On the other hand, front and back labels may be more suited to low-shoulder bottles, offering more space for creativity and information. 


wine bottle in chill bucket

Choosing a Material

Selecting the right material for your wine label is crucial. It affects not just the appearance of your bottle but its resilience in different environments. Let's dive into the two primary options:


Paper Labels

  • Cost-Effective: Paper labels are more budget-friendly, making them an excellent choice for small batches or limited edition runs where cost is a primary concern.
  • Finish Options: You have the choice between matte and glossy finishes. Matte provides a sophisticated, understated look that speaks of elegance and class. Glossy finishes, on the other hand, are vibrant and eye-catching, with a shiny surface that can make your colors pop and attract more attention on the shelf.
  • Moisture Sensitivity: The major downside to paper labels is their vulnerability to moisture. They can warp, tear, or discolor when exposed to water or wine spills, which can detract from the bottle's appearance and the consumer's experience. This makes them less suitable for wines that may be chilled, including many white or sparkling wines.

Waterproof Labels

  • Durability: Made from materials like polypropylene, waterproof labels are built to withstand exposure to moisture, making them ideal for wines that will be chilled or may come into contact with water. This durability ensures that your label remains intact and as vibrant as the day it was applied, regardless of environmental conditions.
  • Slightly Higher Cost: The trade-off for this durability is a higher price point. However, the investment in waterproof labels can pay off in the long run by maintaining your brand's premium look and feel, even in less-than-ideal conditions.
  • Material: Polypropylene is a popular choice for waterproof labels because of its strong resistance to water and ability to hold onto high-quality prints. This material ensures that your labels won't peel off or degrade over time, preserving the integrity of your branding.
  • Aesthetic Versatility: Despite their practicality, waterproof labels do not compromise on design flexibility. They can accommodate a wide range of designs, from intricate illustrations to bold typography, ensuring that your branding stands out on the shelf.

designing logo with pen and paper

Creating Your Own Wine Label

Designing your wine label is an artful endeavor that brings your brand's narrative to life. A well-crafted label combines the right shape, font, color, and imagery to captivate your target audience. 

The perfect label design is a symphony of color, shape, typography, and imagery, each aspect carefully chosen to enhance the bottle's form and convey the essence of the brand. It's about striking a balance where the label's shape aligns with the bottle's curves, where the choice of font and color scheme work in tandem. In essence, the most effective wine labels are those that seamlessly integrate all of these elements, creating a compelling visual narrative that resonates with consumers and aligns with the brand’s identity.

Don’t Forget Wine Label Requirements 

While creativity is key, compliance is crucial. Familiarize yourself with the TTB wine label requirements to ensure your design meets all federal and state regulations. This includes details like grape variety, brand name, alcohol content, and health warnings.

Create Your Own Wine Labels with Stomp 

Ready to bring your vision to life? Stomp Stickers makes it easy to design custom wine labels that will make your bottles pop on the shelf. With our online design tool, you can upload your art, customize your design, and get an instant proof. And for that extra special touch, don't forget to check out our custom wine gift boxes.

Thanks to Stomp, creating custom wine labels has never been easier or more fun. After all, you're not just designing a label; you're crafting an experience, a story, and a brand that stands out in the crowded wine market. Start designing today, and let your wine bottles be the ones that customers can't wait to uncork.


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  • Nashira Edmiston