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Customer Spotlight Series: Small Vines Wines

Customer Spotlight Series: Small Vines Wines

Craft beer isn’t the only industry in the midst of a renaissance. Local wineries are popping up faster than the grapes they grow. Then there are producers like Small Vines Wines in Sebastopol, California, who have been in business for nearly twenty years but are just now developing national appeal. To learn more about this growth, we reached out to owners Kathyrn and Paul Sloan to find out how they have grown and where they see themselves in the future. 


How Has Small Vines Wines Changed Since Your First Batch In 2005?

Paul and I started out as vineyard managers (Organic Wine Grape Farmers) and then started to make very small batches of wine in 2005. We have steadily grown our vineyards and following since we opened our winery and tasting room at the end of 2017. 

We did not ship our wine to consumers until COVID shut down our warehouse, and we brought it all in-house. On top of COVID, buyers increased shipping quantities during that time, so we had an explosion of wine shipped to people's homes! Thanks to Stomp, we now have even better packaging and can put our personal touch on every box.


Sloan family walking on vineyard.


What Is Essential To Small Vines Wines’ Continued Growth?

We continue to focus on the organic, regenerative agriculture farming behind the wines. This is the key to the ultra-high quality of the end product. Our tasting room continues to grow, and in turn, so does the number of states we ship to. We ship all over the continental US. Our main focus is consistently improving the quality of the customer experience while growing our Small Vines.


What Do You Do Differently Than Other Vineyards? 

We have a very unique farming style and are the only ones farming this way in the US. We are actually trying to grow physically smaller than average vines to increase the concentration and intensity of the wines. We have been inspired by Old-World growing techniques from Europe and adapted them to California's long growing season, climate, and soils. 


Hands holding green and purple grapes for wine.


What Made You Choose Stomp for Your Custom Stickers?

Stomp products are gorgeous! The website is so easy to use, and reordering our stickers is a snap, so I do not have to keep a huge inventory on hand — space is a premium here! Additionally, the price is just right and the delivery time is fantastic. We all love the products and the process.


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  • Nashira Edmiston