Customer Spotlight Series: Phil Crockett

Customer Spotlight Series: Phil Crockett

Phil Crockett has carved himself a niche as the “Big Box DIY Guy” on YouTube. From filleting fish to electrical work and even making a primitive lock with two forks, Phil is known for recording his DIY projects and sharing them with the internet. In the past few years, Phil has surged to 125k subscribers and earned himself YouTube’s bronze play button. We reached out to Phil to learn more about his channel and how he uses Stomp products to enhance his brand.  


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How Did You Get Started on YouTube and Where Do You See it Going? 

In 2007, I recorded a video on how to fillet a trout. I posted it on YouTube in order to help other fishermen. The video gained popularity, and Google reached out to me to consider monetizing. After several months, I received a check in the mail and knew that I should start a DIY channel. I have been publishing DIY videos ever since. 

Looking ahead, I hope to gain subscribers and continue to grow my channel financially and in popularity.


How Do You Stay Relevant in the Highly Competitive YouTube Marketplace? 

I make sure my DIY videos are informative with the details people want to know and ZERO worthless chitchat. My videos ‘get-to-the-point.’ I get a lot of positive feedback about this from my subscribers.

sticker with QR code

Why Did You Choose Stomp for Your Custom Stickers and Labels? 

It was a random find on the Internet at first. On my first order, there was an issue, but Stomp more than made it right. They proved that they care about the customer and now they are my go-to now for custom stickers and labels. AND….I also later found out that they are located near Kansas City. GO CHIEFS!

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  • Nashira Edmiston