2023 Brewery Trends to Keep Your Profits Pouring

2023 Brewery Trends to Keep Your Profits Pouring

As we enter the new year, nearly every industry is tightening their belts and bracing themselves for what comes next. With a potential recession on the horizon, many expect the craft beer market will slow down alongside everything else. That doesn’t mean it’s all doom and gloom in the beer world – craft beers are as popular as ever, and that’s not going to change any time soon.Brew Something with Stomp CTA.

With our eyes on the horizon and optimism in our steins, let’s check out the top ten brewery trends coming your way in 2023, as well as a few tips on how your brewery can use them to stay ahead of the curve.


1. Lagers and Lights to the Rescue

Even health-conscious folks love to bend their elbow and lift a pint now and then. Help them choose your brews by offering choices that are easier on the waistline, especially at the beginning of the year when everyone is trying to lose weight. Lighter beers, such as lagers and pale ales are low in alcohol content and calories, making them appealing to many different kinds of beer lovers. IPAs and other heavier or dense beers can still anchor your catalog, but don’t forget to explore things on the light and lager end as well.

2. Booze-Free Brews

While you’re up at the light end of the beer spectrum, consider alcohol-free brews as well. Even your designated driver deserves a quality beer. After all, nobody wants to feel left out when they go out with friends. As health-conscious customers are embracing either low-ABV or non-alcoholic brews, you may want to develop a “Designated Driver Draft” to fill that niche.



3. Get Graphic

These days, if you want your brew to get noticed, you need an eye-catching custom beer label and matching box. Updating your custom label designs is a low-cost way to refresh the look of your brewery and brews alike. Play around with multiple designs, special releases, seasonal labels, and more to grab attention and grow your market. 

You don’t necessarily need to overhaul your look, but the start of the year is an excellent time to refresh your labels. Plus, it’s a good opportunity to fix that one little thing on your label that you’re pretty sure nobody else has noticed, but that bothers you every time you look at it. You know the one. 

4. How Low Waste Can You Go?

Eco-conscious brewing is on the radar of both craft beer producers and consumers. Many brands are implementing refillable crowlers and growlers, choosing cans over bottles, replacing plastic rings with biodegradable alternatives, and implementing other responsible brewing and packaging practices. Planet-friendly, popular with consumers, and (often) easier on your overhead – what’s not to love about going green? 

busy brewery taproom


5. Create a Taproom Vibe

Socialization and community are just as crucial to the craft brewing business as the beer itself. People are longing for a hangout spot where they can meet their friends and get some entertainment. Their local brewhouse is exactly the place for that. Capitalize on the urge to meet and mingle by creating a stay-awhile vibe in your taproom to get and keep a steady crowd of regulars coming in. For a look at what this success might look like, check out the taproom at Fass Brewing, featured in one of our customer spotlights

6. Cater to the Stay-Home Crowd

Not every night is a “let’s go to the brewpub” night. It’s essential to meet your customers where they are, with an emphasis on catering to convenience. Get your labels COLA certified and stock your products at grocery stores, gas stations, and anywhere else customers can easily add to their errands. Make that grab-and-go decision as easy as possible.


7. Embrace the Spirits of Collaboration

Craft distilleries are and have been on the rise in popularity. Rather than competing with spirit makers, why not collaborate? Beautiful drinks happen when local makers come together, and your customers can enjoy the fruits of your combined labor. There’s a wide world of barrel-aged beers and other spirited brews just waiting for you to make that first phone call. 

8. Lean into Local

Keep your products as close to home as possible. Craft beer drinkers are savvy. They understand microclimates and the other terroir influences on the taste and quality of brews. Which means they’re likely quite willing to go with you as you explore all your region has to offer. Likewise, see if you can partner with local businesses and food manufacturers to create a collaborative product.

9. Follow the Seasons

Experimenting within your local markets is key. Collaborations and locally sourced ingredients are essential, and so is seasonal variation. Follow the flow of local flora and the seasonal appetites of your consumers. For example, a nice cold lager is excellent in the summer, but an ale might be better for fall sweater weather. This keeps your brand fresh and updated and inspires local beer lovers to stock up on each seasonal brew, so they can enjoy it while it lasts.

10. Legalize It

Craft beers with CBD are trending following the increasing legalization of recreational marijuana. While the state and local legalities may be a headache to navigate before these products become more mainstream, the complex and varied flavor profiles of various terpenes and the calming effects of CBD are worth the hassle for many craft beer brewers.


Stay Ahead of the Curve with Stomp

The craft beer industry isn’t going anywhere, but it will have to navigate the upcoming, ongoing economic difficulties. Between existing supply chain issues and a looming recession, brewers and brewery owners need to stay creative and flexible to stay on top of tastes and trends.

Getting the word out about your beer is easy with Stomp in your pocket. From labels to product packaging and beyond, we’ve got what you need to put your label front and center in the minds of your consumers. Stay ahead of the curve this year and the next with Stomp.

Brew Something with Stomp CTA.

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  • Nashira Edmiston

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