Use Custom Political Stickers for Local and State Campaigns

Use Custom Political Stickers for Local and State Campaigns

It’s 2024, and have you noticed there are no campaign bumper stickers lately in 2024? Gone are the days when every car, truck, and minivan proudly sported a sticker shouting out its driver's political allegiance.

If you’re missing the nostalgia of those vibrant little adhesives, you’re not alone. But here’s the thing: political stickers, especially custom ones, are far from obsolete. In fact, they’re a secret weapon for promoting local and state campaigns.

So, where did all the stickers go, and why should you consider bringing them back? Let’s jump in.



The Case of the Disappearing Campaign Bumper Stickers

First off, let’s address the elephant in the room—or rather, the lack of elephants and donkeys on the backs of cars. Many have been wondering, "Where have all the campaign bumper stickers gone?"

This year has seen a noticeable drop in these sticky symbols of political expression. It might be that people are more cautious about declaring their affiliations openly, or maybe digital marketing has stolen the show. Whatever the reason, the absence of campaign stickers doesn’t mean they’re outdated.

The truth is, stickers still pack a punch. Unlike digital ads that disappear with a swipe, a well-placed sticker turns a car into a moving billboard. And let’s not forget the charm of physical media in an increasingly virtual world.

Stickers are tangible. They’re personal. And they’re highly visible, giving you repeated exposure every time the car hits the road.

 custom political stickers


Why Custom Political Stickers Still Make Sense

Here’s the deal: custom political stickers are more than just sticky paper. They’re a conversation starter, a badge of honor, and a mini billboard all rolled into one. When someone slaps a sticker on their car or window, they’re making a public statement of support.

This can encourage others to learn more about a candidate or cause, sparking curiosity and conversations.

Think of stickers as an easy way to create community spirit. A person sees a sticker for a local candidate, does a double-take, and thinks, "Hey, I know them! Or at least I’ve seen that name before." Suddenly, your campaign isn’t just another name on a ballot—it’s a real, relatable choice.


How to Use Political Stickers to Your Advantage

If you’re ready to bring back the sticker, here’s how to do it right:

Design with Purpose

Designing a sticker isn’t just about throwing your name on it. You want something that’s bold, clear, and easy to read from a distance.

Think bright colors, big fonts, and a short, catchy slogan. Your sticker should scream, "Look at me!" without being over the top. And don’t forget to include your campaign logo to help build brand recognition.

Make It a Movement

Get your supporters involved by making sticker distribution a fun activity. Hand out stickers at rallies, town halls, and other events.

Encourage people to take pictures of where they’ve placed their stickers and share them on social media. You could even create a hashtag for your campaign to track these posts and foster a sense of community.

Partner Up with Local Businesses

Local businesses are often more than happy to help with a good cause. Ask them if they’d be willing to display your stickers in their windows or hand them out at checkout.

This not only shows community support but also gets your message out to people who might not have seen it otherwise.

A well-placed sticker at a popular local cafe could be worth more than a thousand clicks online!

Show Up at Community Events

Community events are a goldmine for sticker distribution. Whether it’s a farmers' market, a local fair, or a charity run, these gatherings are perfect for getting face time with voters. Set up a booth, hand out stickers, and chat with attendees.

Not only will you distribute your stickers, but you’ll also make meaningful connections with potential supporters.

 campaign stickers


Clever Ways to Distribute Political Stickers

Now that you’ve got your stickers, it’s time to get them out there. Here are some creative ways to distribute them:

Include Stickers in Direct Mail

Why not give your direct mail a little extra flair? Including a sticker in your mailers can make them more memorable and give recipients something tangible to engage with. Plus, it’s a great way to encourage people to display their support.

Deploy Street Teams

A street team is like a grassroots marketing army. Assemble a group of enthusiastic volunteers to hit the streets with stickers in hand. Think of busy intersections, local shops, and public parks as your battlefield. The goal? To get those stickers into as many hands as possible—and maybe onto a few bumpers, too.

Collaborate with Local Events

Sponsoring or participating in local events can be an excellent way to distribute stickers. Whether it’s setting up a table at a charity event or handing out stickers at a local concert, these are great opportunities to connect with the community and get your stickers in circulation.


Before We Go

So, while it might seem like there are no campaign bumper stickers lately in 2024, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be using custom political stickers to promote your local or state campaign. They’re a low-cost, high-visibility tool that can generate buzz, build community support, and keep your campaign front of mind.

Ready to make a statement with your own custom political stickers? At Stomp, we create high-quality, eye-catching stickers that can help your campaign shine. Check out our political stickers and other political campaign products to start spreading the word today!


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  • Nashira Edmiston